The Vogt Family
Home Page

About Page

Photo Page

What's New Page

Contact Page


Guest Book Page

Our Faith

The Shark-Cat

Our new home

GTO Graveyard

Preserving White Trash Heritage Since 1994
Fortunately for you, you have reached our new homepage. Inside you'll find out more about us, what we've been up to, our interests, pictures, felonies, etc., etc., yadda yadda yadda.

Please sign the guest book and let us know what you think.
Site Updates

11/29/01 Site is launched
12/7/01 Shandy makes John take off the picture
of him spanking his butt on the Guest Page.
This is a family web site, you know.
12/15/01 New House page is completed by Shandy
Near Jamestown, VA
March, 2001

Clockwise from left: Seth, John, Shandy, Augie

Yo, check it!

Shandy's email

We've moved!
We're now back in Idaho!

Yorktown, VA
March, 2001
John's email